Dr. TJ De Cino纪念基金捐款



航空 & Aerospace Science Department hosts an extensive array of laboratories for simulation and hands-on training. Our 航空航天系统实验室(AAS实验室) consist of nine state-of-the-art technology facilities for enhanced academic and applied knowledge mastery as related to the student’s chosen field of study. The AAS Labs support all aspects of our academic and technology programs – including flight simulation training, 先进的航空电子功能, 航空交通管制业务, 空间卫星任务操作和系统工程, 航空物理学, 无人机/无人机, 以及航空航天数据分析.


The AAS Labs include aeronautics and aerospace technologies focused on providing students real-time / real-life simulation experiences integrated with traditional classroom learning. 这些实验室包括通用航空实验室Robert K. 模拟飞行模拟实验室, 航天模拟实验室, 卫星工程实验室, 空中交通管制实验室, 喷气实验室, UAS/UAV实验室, 航空模拟实验室, 气球卫星实验室, 以及航空航天操作实验室.




The 飞行模拟实验室 is comprised of individual flight training devices (FTDs) and simulation systems for general aviation aircraft and avionics. 飞行模拟实验室包括10架单引擎塞斯纳172, 5套塞斯纳172XP G1000模拟系统, 五套Piper Seminole光孪生模拟系统, 和两个Beech 1900D涡轮螺旋桨模拟系统.

All the single engine, light-twin, and turboprop FTDs are configured with modern GPS units. Specific FTDs include Garmin 1000 GPS and Avidyne Entegra “glass cockpit” advanced technology. The AASL also supports advanced weather planning and forecasting technologies, 飞行计划归档和IFR海图服务, 以及其他各种配套的飞行计划资源. 特别是, AAS实验室自豪地拥有Jeppesen-Boeing飞行规划区域, 为准备和归档飞行计划提供资源, 航海图印刷, 地图, 方法盘子, 以及其他供学生使用的规划材料.



AVS faculty member instructs students utilizing flight simulation technology.



The AAS Labs include an 18-controller position Air Traffic Control (ATC) system providing simulation of an operational air traffic control radar facility. The ATC Laboratory is recognized as an FAA Collegiate Training Initiative (AT-CTI) school, a specialized training designation given by the FAA only to select higher education institutions.



企业 & 商用喷气机实验室(Jet)

The AAS Lab also features corporate and commercial jet simulation and training systems. The Cessna Mustang business jet is featured with a full 220-degree wrap-around theater-style visual system. 完全按照塞斯纳C510的配置建造, the corporate jet also includes the full Garmin 1000 multifunction glass flight deck.

庞巴迪加拿大700支线喷气机(CRJ700)也将亮相, 模拟整个crj700模型飞机. It is additionally equipped with advanced training features covering all the aircraft’s systems with live touch screens for in-depth training on all aspects of the aircraft’s subsystems. A full CRJ 700 flight model is complemented by the entire suite of the aircraft’s avionics and flight controls. Also included are four FMS tactile units that interface with CRJ training software in 喷气实验室.



A faculty member giving instruction to 2 students in the jet simulation laboratory.

装有Garmin 1000航空电子设备的飞行甲板.


作为AAS实验室的一部分, 航空模拟实验室 provides an advanced technology platform for training and simulation of advanced avionics and navigation systems, 玻璃驾驶舱系统, and Flight Management Systems (FMS) found on technically advanced aircraft. Glass flight deck training platforms include the Garmin 430/530 GPS systems, Garmin 1000系统, 许多通用航空飞机上都有Avidyne integra系统, and Flight Management Systems (FMS) found in common commercial jet aircraft.




The Aerospace Operations Lab is a fully functioning Satellite Mission Operations Center (MOC) and provides students real-world hands on training for monitoring, 控制, 跟踪卫星, A custom technology platform for both simulated and actual operational satellite control, and a satellite data analytics network are unique resources available to students in the MOC.






The ASL provides commercial space simulation technology and is an official training center for 美国国际集团有限公司. 系统工具箱 (STK). The lab features 18 student computer stations with dual displays as well as dual projection of the displays from the instructor station. The space commercialization simulation technology provides a programming platform for developing “what-if?” scenarios for a variety of earth- and space-based projects and is an industry standard application for large and small aerospace companies globally.

了解更多关于AGI & STK



Additional AAS Labs resources provide technology for building and flying “balloon satellites” for field data collection and subsequent analysis. High altitude balloon payloads are designed and built by students for launch each semester. Research papers and presentations are a product of the design/build/launch/retrieval/analysis process. This provides the opportunity for students to fly independent study research projects.






The SEL Lab provides students a laboratory environment to work with the local aerospace community on company-driven specific projects, 包括新的设计规范, 卫星方案编制和业务活动, 以及各种各样的子系统项目. 学生通常跟随航空航天工程师完成设计工作, 脚本/程序编写, 仿真分析, 还有发射计划和后勤.




The UAS Flight Training Laboratory provides students access to 无人机/无人机 flight simulation technology for introductory flight skills development. 额外的无人机实验室资源包括一个内部飞行笼, 地面控制站操作, 以及广泛的数据收集/分析工具集和应用程序. A formal structure of coursework is offered to interested students for acquiring a certificate in UAS Operations.





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Thank you for your interest in the 航空航天科学系 at 密歇根州立大学丹佛.

未来的学生, 父母, 校友, and industry partners are welcome to submit inquiries to the departmental email (located on the right side of this section).





