What Is 密歇根州立大学丹佛's 职业生涯的链接?

职业生涯的链接 is a career engagement platform hosted by 密歇根州立大学丹佛 Classroom to Career (C2) Hub and 密歇根州立大学丹佛 Alumni Relations Team where students can manage their career planning and search for employment opportunities. 您可以:

  • 申请工作
  • Upload and manage your resume and other career documents in your profile
  • Sign up for workshops, career fairs, and other campus recruiting events
  • Research employers and set up automatic position notifications
  • Find career resources and resume building tools
  • 报告一份职业成果


  1. From your phone or computer, click the link below to access 职业生涯的链接.
  2. Sign up using your personal email address.
  3. There will be a 48-72 hours waiting period until you can begin using your account since it will require admin to approve your new account.
  4. Anytime between the 48-72 hours time frame, an email confirmation of your account approval will be delivered to the email address you used to sign up for your account.
  5. 搜索 for 工作, events, employers, and more!

搜索ing For Job Positions

  1. 登录 职业生涯的链接.
  2. On the top right of the homepage you will see a menu of choices. 从菜单中选择 “工作” 从左边菜单中.
  3. 然后你就可以 “搜索所有职位”, or narrow down your options with ‘搜索 Career Jobs’. 你也可以直接输入 “关键词”.
    • 注意: you can also choose “搜索 Jobs” from the row of boxes across the middle of the homepage!
  4. More filters to refine your search are available under the search bar.
  5. Select the position you are interested in to see more detailed information about the position, as well as the qualifications and how to apply.
  6. 通过点击 +“创建工作提醒”, you can set up an alert based on that search criteria and indicate how often you would like to receive them via email.
  7. 你也可以 +“跟随” the organization if you want to be updated on an employer’s recruiting activity (Career Fairs, Position Postings, On-Campus Interviews, etc.).

How To RSVP/Register For An Event

  1. 登录 职业生涯的链接.
  2. On the top right of the home page, there will be a tab which says ”事件‘. 单击事件.
  3. A page will load of all events available to sign up for currently, an example of an event could be a career fair for all!
  4. Click the Event of your choice and click “参加” on the top right side of the page.

注意: Specific alumni related events can be found here: http://vpm50qm.presidenthealth.com/alumni/career-support/