

Janine 戴维森,Ph值.D.自2017年以来,他一直担任丹佛大都会州立大学校长. 她是高等教育领域的全国思想领袖,在公共服务、美国教育和教育等领域颇有建言.S. foreign policy and national security.

作为科罗拉多州第三大公立大学的校长, 戴维森是密歇根州立大学丹佛分校17号的强烈支持者,000名学生. From her first days on campus, she has championed the role public universities play in “holding the line on the American dream.” She has staunchly advocated for legal status for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals recipients and supported 密歇根州立大学丹佛’s undocumented students, underrepresented students, and military and veteran students.

戴维森走在高质量发展的前列, career-oriented undergraduate and graduate academic programs that serve Colorado’s communities and power its economy. 她启动了大学的“从教室到职业中心”, 将学生与雇主联系起来,直接进入州和全国的劳动力市场. She has also overseen the creation of the 密歇根州立大学丹佛 Health Institute – a collaboration of 10 academic departments in health-related fields that addresses state health-care-industry shortages – and the Institute for Public Service, which is focused on inspiring, 准备, and enabling students to serve with an emphasis on careers in government and the nonprofit sector.

在进入密歇根州立大学丹佛分校之前,戴维森曾担任美国国务院第32任副部长.S. 海军. Her appointment by then-President Barack Obama as 海军 “under” followed nearly 30 years of academic, civilian and military service.

她曾在乔治梅森大学任教, Georgetown University, 戴维森学院和各种专业军事学校, 他是美国空军的航空和特技飞行教官.S. Air Force Academy. 她最近回到了密歇根州立大学丹佛分校的教室, co-teaching a course on the philosophical and legal origins of freedom of speech in the United States.

戴维森的职业生涯始于空军军官和货运飞行员. She was a distinguished graduate of the Air Force Squadron Officer School and was the first woman to fly the Air Force’s tactical C-130.

Her various honors include: HillVets Top 100 Most Influential Veterans; University of South Carolina Distinguished Alumna; Secretary of the 海军 Medal for Distinguished Public Service; Secretary of Defense Medal for Outstanding Public Service; Girl Scouts of Colorado 2018 Woman of Distinction; the Colorado Women’s Chamber of Commerce 2019 Top 25 Most Powerful Women in Business; a 2021 丹佛 Business Journal Most Admired CEO; a 2021 World丹佛 International Women’s Day honoree; and a 2022 9NEWS Leader of the Year finalist.

At the national level, Davidson chairs the Department of Defense Policy Board and serves on the State Department Foreign Affairs Policy Board, 作为全国公共管理人员协会的会员, 也是外交关系委员会的终身成员. She previously served as a presidentially appointed commissioner for the National Commission on Military, 国家和公共服务以及空军结构委员会. 在本地, she is a director of UMB Financial Corporation and serves on the boards of the Colorado Concern, Downtown 丹佛 Partnership, 丹佛地铁商会领导基金会和玫瑰社区基金会.

President's 愿景

2017年9月,总统珍妮·戴维森博士.D., 阐述了她对密歇根州立大学丹佛分校的愿景:成为机会的模范城市大学, 多样性, excellence and transformation.




1. Strengthen student success

Students studying outdoorsStudents are the top priority and 密歇根州立大学丹佛 will ensure they receive the support they need to graduate, 找一份好工作,在经济阶梯上向上爬. 这样做, the University will redesign its student services structure to apply best practices and creative programs to enhance recruitment, 保留, graduation and career services.

大学将努力改变围绕学生成功的国家叙事, 这体现在那些迎合前1%人群的大学的排名倾斜上. 密歇根州立大学丹佛 will use the stories of its students and stats to redefine traditional metrics for school “quality” so they reflect outcomes like job placement and economic mobility.

密歇根州立大学丹佛分校将向商界领袖推销自己, parents and prospective students as offering an education that is both the highest value and smartest choice, 强调其毕业生-富布赖特学者的显著成功, award-winning novelists, CEOs and many others.



2. Address shrinking resources

With state support at an all-time low, 密歇根州立大学丹佛 will develop a funding sustainment plan to ensure it is getting the most out of limited resources and keeping the dream of higher education in reach for all students.

The University will build on its record-setting fundraising year and expand its efforts in this area with the creation a strategic fundraising plan. The Advancement and Marketing and Communications departments will work together to develop an integrated fundraising and branding strategy to change the current narrative at the state and federal levels.



3. Invest in people

Faculty and staff are essential to student success and the delivery of the University’s mission. 因此,密歇根州立大学丹佛分校将成立一个工作组来研究薪酬问题.


大学将成为教职员工和学生的首选目的地. 社区将努力找到最佳点,包括更好的员工敬业度, recognition and continued empowerment.



4. Deliver on the promise

密歇根州立大学丹佛分校仍然致力于过去的优先事项,同时也继续与雇主谈判, parents and community leaders about what graduates need to be successful and developing programs and curricula to address those needs.




5. Lead inclusively and with intention

Networking GroupFive “issue-oriented” councils will be created to provide recommendations on top priorities and emerging issues. These faculty- and staff-led councils will focus on strategy; academic excellence and student support; culture and the workplace; infrastructure and fiscal responsibility; and efficiency and process transformation.

包容性领导不仅仅是一个口号. 这是创新和解决问题的秘诀, talented and diverse organization.

戴维森将继续与外部和内部受众进行接触. Besides her weekly video series, 她计划每月与员工在炉边聊天,并与学生举行披萨派对.


President's 倡议

Classroom to Career Hub

The Classroom to Career Hub, 这是丹佛大都会州立大学最新的创新项目, 连接s students and employers, facilitating real-world learning experiences and upskilling homegrown talent for Colorado’s workforce pipeline.?

More than a traditional career center, the C2 Hub innovatively strengthens students’ academic and professional acumen through strategic and robust partnerships with local industries and communities to ensure an equitable and prosperous future for all Coloradans.

Classroom to Career Hub



Health Institute

The health institute is a collaboration of ten 密歇根州立大学丹佛 departments that serve students entering health-related fields. This collaboration will advance health equity in the state of Colorado through diversifying the health workforce and cultivating a whole-person approach to wellness. 通过打破障碍革新科罗拉多州的健康状况, empowering communities, 促进合作,拥抱多样性.

Health Institute




戴维森校长致力于确保密歇根州立大学丹佛分校社区的安全. She believes that safety in classrooms, 办公室和公共空间对皇冠官网网站学习社区的健康至关重要.

也就是说,枪支暴力的增加是一个现实. 为了做好准备,戴维森要求所有社区成员:

  • Review current Auraria Campus emergency procedures.
  • 把奥瑞亚警察局的电话号码放到他们的手机收藏列表里:紧急情况, 303-556-5000; Tip line for text messages, 720-593-TIPS (8477).
  • 联系 护理团队 if you notice a student in distress.




Inclusive Leadership

戴维森总统认为,伟大的领导必须具有包容性, 在任何讨论中引入不同的声音将确保找到更好的解决方案. 从第一天起, she has called on University leaders to empower their teams by delegating decision-making power.

To implement her vision, Davidson has:

  • Created Universitywide Advisory Councils 研究对密歇根州立大学丹佛分校的使命至关重要的问题.
  • Held Inclusive Leadership Summit for 50 University leaders to provide clarity around the topic and tools to help foster inclusivity on their teams. 参见峰会笔记的艺术效果图 Inclusive Leadership 网站.
  • 包括一个 想法捕手 在她的网站上,让人们提交他们最有创意的想法和建议.


密歇根州立大学丹佛 2030 Strategic Plan

Over the course of the next ten years, Metropolitan State University of 丹佛 plans to promote awareness of its educational advantages while providing affordable and transformative education for all.

View Strategic Plan 2030